"I must be myself. That will provoke anxiety, and I will deal with it." Last week I shared about that feeling of vulnerability when we begin to step out in our creativity. I shared that instead of feeling naked and vulnerable, what if we took some cues from classical art and instead viewed that 'naked' feeling as moment of strength, beauty, and freedom! In my Friday Newsletter I wrote about My 8 Step Process for how I move through my creative anxiety so that I can experience the freedom of sharing my art with the world. I received a great deal of positive responses and thus wanted to share it here! Here is my 8 Step process for how I move through my Creative Anxiety When met with an opportunity to share your creativity...
1.Stop. Pay attention & be aware. 2.Do not simply react in the same old ways. Take note of your previous reactions and realize you do not need to make the same choices again. 3.Pay attention to what is happening in the present moment. 4.If you are anxious, give attention to those feelings. 5.Take a breath. 6.Ask yourself, 'What is the worst that could happen?' Usually, when we think about this, it is not all that bad. Like the worst that could happen is that someone doesn't like your stuff and you just keep doing exactly what you are doing. 7.Ask yourself, 'What is the best possible outcome?' Sometimes this can reveal why we are so dang scared. When we realize our attachment to our secret hopes and dreams that something good could happen, therein lies the root of the fear. We fear those hopeful doors being closed in our faces and so to stay safe, we don't step out. Entertain the possibility that good stuff CAN happen to you & that it definitely wont happen if you don't put yourself out there! 8.Make an informed decision. Not a decision from fear or vulnerability or old knee-jerk reactions, but a decision where you recognize you are making a choice. You are responsible and you can choose. You can choose to step out or you can choose to hold off. Even if this is you alone with your creative work. You have the opportunity to show up to it in the fullness that you truly desire. It is much more empowering when we realize we have a choice. So, when you get a chance to show up to your unique art or to step out with it in some way, go through these 8 Steps first and let me know if you noticed a difference! As always, if you enjoyed this post, please share it! If you would like to receive more Art Nurture goodness, please join the list! If you have special methods of moving through Creative Anxiety, please leave a comment below! Talk with you soon and keep nurturing your creativity, Court
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