"Court has a knack for supporting others
in tuning into the artist within..." "Court McCracken is not only a talented and inspired artist but also gifted nurturer of the creative process in others. Participating in the Nurturing your Creativity workshop cleared away the blockages to my creativity and had me exploring previously unacknowledged talents. This workshop was inspired, engaging and built my self-confidence! Court has a knack for supporting others in tuning into the artist within with unparalleled skill and sensitivity. She opened a door for me, guided me through, and changed my world. I would recommend working with Court to anyone." -Rebecca Stares, Spirited Connections Counseling |
"Court McCracken’s skills and impact as a creativity coach are impressive."
"She has just the right combination of insight, encouragement, humor, practicality, understanding, and empathy. Although she is an artist, the depth of her understanding about the creative process is readily applicable to many fields, including writing and music. Indeed, because she places creativity in a broader context, as an essential part of living life to the fullest, I consider her also to be a an effective life coach, as well. In her sessions what comes across so clearly is her sincere interest in finding out what really are the individual’s motivations and aspirations. She then can be quite specific about the right steps, customized for the individual and their needs, to move from thought to action... Court’s coaching asks essential questions and guides the individual collaboratively to the answers best for them—all of which ultimately focuses on results." -Sims Kline, Librarian and Professor, Stetson University & Jazz Pianist |
"...what's so powerful about working with Court...is that she reaches you where you are right now..."
"I think what's so powerful about working with Court on nurturing your creativity is that she reaches you where you are right now--not where you once were or hope to be, but right where you are this second--and reaffirms that you already have what you need to lead a more creative life. As an artist, it can be tough to generate fresh ideas and energy every day. Court has helped me accept struggle as part of the process, and find new ways to reignite my imagination. She reminded me what is at the heart of being not only an artist, but a human: curiosity, commitment, and love." -Molly Rose Freeman, Shallcross Studio |
"I left feeling more inspired..." "I was very excited to attend the Evening of Nurturing Your Creativity Workshop with Court, though I didn't really know what to expect. I enjoyed the stories and reflective questions in the relaxed and safe environment. You don't need to be an artist to attend! I left feeling more inspired and more aware of my creativity in various aspects of my life." -Jessica Potter-Bowers, Environmental Educator |
"Working with Court is like a watering can...on your own personal creativity seed." "As someone who has let their lack of technical skill hamper their creativity and confidence, I can tell you that working with Court will open up a whole new world for anyone that feels this way. The nourishment you will get from working with Court is like a watering can that sprinkles water on your own personal creativity seed. I walked out of her Evening of Nurturing Your Creativity workshop feeling inspired and excited, these feelings continued long after that experience and have grown into confidence that I didn't think I would ever have in my own ability to create." -Alison Pettigrew |
"I left feeling inspired to live with the soul of an artist..."
"The Nurturing Your Creativity Workshop with Court was so inspirational! I left feeling inspired to live with the soul of an artist in all aspects of my life, not just the 'artistic' areas. I'm definitely going to Court's next workshop!" -Joy Goetz, Registered Dietician with Open Hand & Aerialist with Liquid Sky |
"Court's ability to nurture the artistic experience... allows her students to deepen more fully into their own creative process." "Court is an engaging teacher who works equally well with children and adults. Court's ability to nurture the artistic experience as opposed to simply focusing on a finished product allows her students to deepen more fully into their own creative process. Court's studio space offers a welcome retreat from busy, city life despite being in the heart of town. Painting with her each week brings me a sense of serenity that lasts all week." -Copland Rudolph |
"Court lets me share my ideas..." " Court is a nice, positive teacher. Court lets me share my ideas about what I should do next on my painting. We have been painting fun, abstract paintings. When I come to class we mix, talk, wash brushes, and have fun. She has taught me to mix colors, layer paint, blend colors together, and even the best way to wash your brushes. We have a big table to work on, and she doesn't care if you sharpen your pencil on the floor, how cool." - Annie, age 11 |
"Court 'is' a supportive, encouraging teacher...." "After the 'Mix It Up' workshop, I now feel more capable of handling a project that requires painting and knowing where to start. I liked best the size of the class and having Court, as a supportive, encouraging teacher right at my elbow to help and answer any questions. I would definitely recommend working with Court. I think Court is a warm teacher with the ability to make newbies comfortable." -Joan McLean |