"The artist is not a different kind of person, but every person is a different kind of artist." This is true. The artist is not a different kind of person. No, don't be fooled. Don't think to yourself, I am not an artist because I do not fit into this preconceived or culturally perpetuated idea of what an artist is... But recognize that every person is a different kind of artist.
What are you passionately curious about? What have you pondered trying sometime in your life? What do you feel most alive when you do? What ignites your internal spark? What do are you doing when you lose track of time? Answering these questions for yourself can give you some serious clues and direction towards what your art may be and what kind of artist you are. If you are trying to answer that question for yourself, I would suggest you take the time to truly respond to these questions. Write as much as you want, no answer is stupid or unimportant. Any of your stream of consciousness thoughts when responding to these questions can give insight into your art and can help guide you on your own art nurture journey. We are all different types of artists. Get interested in your art and be the unique artist that only you can be. Thanks for taking the time to consider these thoughts and I hope they find you well! Enjoy your weekend! Sincerely, Court P.S. Hard at work on Art Nurture: The Simple Guide to Cultivating Your Creativity! Will be finished with the cover design soon and the editing is coming along beautifully (though, painfully at times!)... You can pre-order it on the home page!
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